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Content from your sources all in one place.
Selected using artificial intelligence.

The only smart news reader for technology business professionals

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Feedpresso uses Artificial Initelligence to recommend you blogs, news sites and other relevant sources you didn’t know about.

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Philip Staehelin

“I've been using it for a few weeks and I love it! Great source of tech news in an easy-to-digest/scan format.”


Cedric Maloux

“I find it easy to customize and add French business sites”


Andrius Zaveckas

“When I have an opportunity to read news from the best sources combined in one app - I tend to follow the updates more often. Highly recommended app for news systematization!”

Get news from thought leaders such as

Nir Eyal
Author of “Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products” and blogger at NirAndFar.com
Tim Denning
Blogger for Entrepreneur.com, Addicted2Success, and Medium Publications: The Mission, Personal Growth and Startup Grind
Seyi Fabode
Strategy @AshaLabs, Writer @HarperJacobs
Mischa von Nachtigal
Editor-in-Chief, builttoadapt.io. Aspiring campaign writer for Popovich/Kerr 2020.

and more

How it works

Our algorithms automatically find you latest content based on your own personal profile. It works on any source in any language.

Feedpresso analyses the articles you read and finds new articles and sources based on your reading history.

For example, if you often read about crypto-currencies, the app will show you more crypto-related articles and stories about things like markets, will be weighted down.

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About us

You are what you read. We are here to help you learn something new every day.


Tadas Šubonis, CEO

Usually busy with infrastructure, backend, and prediction algorithms. His Feedpresso is full of software development and machine learning blogs. Drop him an email!


Ernest Walzel, CPO

Obsessed with UX and design, Ernest is responsible for the look and feel of the app. His Feedpresso is filled with blogs about typography and cooking.

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